Showing posts with label thelittleprince. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thelittleprince. Show all posts

Monday, 20 July 2015

The Little Prince Food Art

We just had a long weekend, there was no school last Friday. I just started watching Korean drama over the weekends, after a year hiatus. Found a new one to watch, watching Scholar Who Walks the Night now.  Love it so far, but I'm done with the existing episodes, maybe I should look for another one to watch, lol.

The Little Prince food art, which I made a few months ago, thought of making this because there was an exhibition in May-June of The Little Prince, as part of the French festival. And the animated movie is also coming out this year. This is not my first Little Prince creation, I actually made two different Little Prince bentos, way back in 2012. If you read my post then, the Little Prince book that I mentioned is missing, has not appeared yet, lol, maybe I should go and buy a new one. -_-

The Little Prince was made using rice coloured with ketchup, egg sheet, veggie (sorry, I forgot which type of veggie I used) and nori. The fox was made using mashed potato and the rose was made using veggie and tomato. There was Japanese pork curry and scrambled eggs to complete the meal. My boys love Japanese curry, especially LT. Whenever we go to the supermarket, he keeps pestering me to buy Japanese curry roux so that I can cook this for him.
My food art and bento photos are rather minimalist styled these days. The actual reason for this change is because I'm lazy to think of how to style the photo, lol. -_- But I do quite like the minimalist look too, so I think it should be here to stay. :)

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) Bento

This bento theme is for me, I love this book, and I love the little Prince. I bought a box organiser for IT with the little Prince mofits, and that's their only knowledge of him. I wanted to find the story book for IT to read, but I could not find it on my shelves. I hope I did not lost the book while moving house.

Bento for IT, in the box are onigiri, meatballs, pork rolls, golden kiwis and strawberries.

Bento for LT, same food as above. The crown picks are made from paper, I punched them out using a craft puncher.

Bento for IT, in the box are nutella bread, meatball and grapes.

Bento for LT, same food as above, except he's having strawberry jam bread. I asked the boys the other day whether they get sick of the same spread for their bread day after day, but they gave me an unanaimous no, lol.

Not too happy with my chocolate painting.

Pesto ravioli for me, ravioli stuffed with ricotta and spinach. All ready bought, just boil ravioli and toss them in pesto.

My new toy, it's been with us for more than a week. So far so good, it can really pick up a lot of dust, and leaves me more time for other stuff. :)