Showing posts with label mamegoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mamegoma. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Mamegoma Bread Ball Bento

I made the cute Mamegoma from San-X using bread balls. I've received a few requests for a bread ball tutorial, I finally managed to take some photos, hope they are useful.

Mamegoma bread balls are filled with tuna. :)

I also packed croquette, broccoli and strawberries.

To make bread ball, slice off bread crust and cut a slit on either 4 sides or corners of bread.

Add in your fillings in the middle. I added tuna here, you can also use jam, Nutella, peanut butter, pork floss, etc.

Bring four corners together and wrap up in cling wrap.

Mould the ball to the shape you want. This will be the basic bread ball that you can use for your charaben.

To turn your bread balls into Mamegoma, get another piece of white bread and flatten it with a rolling pin.

Cut out ovals from the bread. You can use cheese for this too.

Here's the punchers I used for the nori details.

There, it's done, I put the bread balls in a cupcake case. :)

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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Trudeau Trapeze Lunch Bag Review

Hee, no post yesterday because I was busy as usual in the day. When I finally had some time at night, I was busy catching up on a drama online instead. Got addicted to yet another drama, and am trying to quickly finish all the episodes. :P

I'm reviewing the Trudeau Fuel Trapeze lunch bag for today.

The bag comes in 4 colours, the ones I received are green and grey. It's a good quality lunch bag, the outside is fabric and the liner is made of PVC and lead free. The bag is also insulated. Like all other Trudeau Fuel products, the bag comes with 5 years warranty, is BPA free and made out of environmentally friendly materials.

The bag has a wide base, which I like, it can even fit in the sandwich box flat. If you pack charaben, you will know that the bento has to lay flat in the lunch bag. I also like that the bag opens in front, and allows for easier access to the stuff. This lunch bag is included in the Trudeau giveaway this Thursday, please check back if you are interested.

Made Mame Goma playing in curry last Friday. :)

Details are done with nori, ham and egg white. I soaked the egg white in water coloured with butterfly pea flower to get the blue colour.

Mame Goma is happy with the fish he caught, lol. :P

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Mame Goma Bento

Mame Goma hiding in inari for today. :) Quite a rush making these today, coz I woke up late. -_-

For the boys' lunch, inari sushi, with black pepper wings, broccoli, ebikko and strawberries.

Pink seal coloured with beetroot and yellow seal coloured with tumeric. Argh, forgot the blusher for their cheeks.

Inari sushi for School as well.

Packed with black pepper wings and grapes.

I've been using these bento boxes for the boys' dinner most of the time, even though what I cook is not Japanese fare. The size is just right for their usual rice with 3 side dishes. This was dinner from last night, rice with black pepper wings, cheddar baked salmon and stir fried willow sprouts.

This was my portion for dinner last night, just black pepper wings with greens.

My lunch today, more like breakfast huh? Kaya beetroot bread, with ham and sunny side up. Tried to bake some beetroot bread yesterday but still turned out yellow. Anyone have a recipe that will yield a pink coloured bread, using natural colouring agents? Please share with me if you do. :)

Friday, 29 June 2012

Mame Goma Seal Bento

It's cold soba for the boys today, topped with seals. :) I did a short tutorial on how to make these seals today. :)

Using the new lunchboxes, this set is for IT. In the box are soba, quail eggs, grilled thai style chicken, bacon asparagus, golden kiwis, strawberries and grapes.

And this set for LT. The pink seal is coloured with beetroot water. And the blue portion of the white seal is coloured with red cabbage water.

And this one for IT to bring to School, cold soba in the thermos, and grapes, quail egg and chicken in the small strawberry box. :) LT wanted a box today but I did not make a box for him. I told him he'll make a mess eating the soba in School. So, the little fella showed me at home how he won't make a mess out of eating soba, lol. Looks like I will have to make some soba for him to bring to School next time.

This was my Thai dinner last night, pineapple fried rice, grilled chicken and tom yum soup.

And to make the seals. First, boil two quail eggs, dye one pink by soaking in colouring. I'm using beet root water to dye it.

Slice off a small portion from the pointed side of the egg.

Punch out 2 ovals with a cutter, these will be the flippers.

Punch out one oval from cheese, this will be the mouth.

Attach on the flippers and mouth with pasta.

Punch out nori using punchers.

Dab on some decorating gel or ketchup.

Ta-dah, completo! Pretty fast and easy to do. :)

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