Happy Chinese New Year! It's still two days away, but thanks to the long weekend, I feel that it's already here, lol. I'm trying to get two recipes updated during these few days, the first one is going to be updated today and it's the recipe for cat marshmallows.
Do these cat marshmallows look familiar to you? They were inspired by the ones from Cafe Cat & Paw. I've shared about those before, you can see them in my post here.
I first shared about these marshmallows last December on my Instagram, and I've been receiving requests for the recipe.
The delay in sharing was mainly due to two factors. I needed to test the recipe another time to confirm the measurements of the ingredients. I have no idea where you can buy the cat mould, which is essential to create these. I do not know where to get it in Japan or online. I happened to chance upon the mould in Japan, I am not even sure of the shop I bought it. -_- Thanks to a reader for the heads up, you can find a similar mould on Amazon. It's a single mould, so you can only make one at a time or you have to purchase more. If you have come across the mould that is the same as mine, kindly leave me a comment or email, so I can update this post for the benefit of anyone who might be interested.
If you can't get the cat mould, you might want to try out this recipe using other moulds. I tried it out on a Hello Kitty mould and a cat paw mould and it works too.
I've experimented with both food markers and melted chocolate to draw the features, they both work, so I'll leave you to choose which one you prefer to use.
94g icing sugar
54g egg white
100g corn flour
42g water
94g corn syrup
4 gelatine sheets
1 tsp lemon juice
Non-stick spray
Melted chocolate/food marker
Brown food colouring
Do these cat marshmallows look familiar to you? They were inspired by the ones from Cafe Cat & Paw. I've shared about those before, you can see them in my post here.
I first shared about these marshmallows last December on my Instagram, and I've been receiving requests for the recipe.
The delay in sharing was mainly due to two factors. I needed to test the recipe another time to confirm the measurements of the ingredients. I have no idea where you can buy the cat mould, which is essential to create these. I do not know where to get it in Japan or online. I happened to chance upon the mould in Japan, I am not even sure of the shop I bought it. -_- Thanks to a reader for the heads up, you can find a similar mould on Amazon. It's a single mould, so you can only make one at a time or you have to purchase more. If you have come across the mould that is the same as mine, kindly leave me a comment or email, so I can update this post for the benefit of anyone who might be interested.
If you can't get the cat mould, you might want to try out this recipe using other moulds. I tried it out on a Hello Kitty mould and a cat paw mould and it works too.
I've experimented with both food markers and melted chocolate to draw the features, they both work, so I'll leave you to choose which one you prefer to use.
94g icing sugar
54g egg white
100g corn flour
42g water
94g corn syrup
4 gelatine sheets
1 tsp lemon juice
Non-stick spray
Melted chocolate/food marker
Brown food colouring
- Coat the silicon mould with non-stick spray, make sure you coat the small corners and edges well, else you will have difficulty removing the marshmallow from the mould later.
- Soak gelatine sheets in water. Once soft, drain water away and set aside.
- Add 20g icing sugar to egg white, beat till peaks are formed. Add in lemon juice and set aside. Don't remove from mixer.
- Add 74g icing sugar, 94g corn syrup and 54g water to a pot. Cook and keep stirring till the temperature reaches 118C. This step is important, make sure you measure using a thermometer.
- Remove from stove and add in gelatine. Mix well till there are no lumps.
- Add the mixture from step 5 to the egg white at step 3. Turn on the mixer and stop once everything is well mixed.
- Scoop out a small portion and add in brown colouring.
- Fill the mixture into pipping bags.
- Snip off ends of pipping bags, pipe out one of the cat's ears and paws using brown mixture.
- Use white mixture to fill up. Leave in the fridge for 2 hours.
- While the mould is in the fridge, pan-fry cornflour over a small fire. When it's done, spread it out on a tray. Remove marshmallow from mould after 2 hours, and dust on cornflour.
- Add on details using food marker or melted chocolate.