We are still stuck at home this weekend again, except for going out for their enrichment classes and our meals. IT still has Higher Chinese paper next week, it is not stressful for me though, as I don't have high expectations for this paper. I don't mind him dropping off this paper if his results are bad, but so far he has been doing better in this than his normal Chinese paper, it bewilders me too, lol. I rather he ace his normal Chinese paper instead. Since I've time at home, I'm trying to get a few draft posts up and hopefully I can clear more of my backlog.

Back to making some noodles food art after a hiatus, because I have not been cooking soba or somen for sometime. I don't know exactly why too, I just did not feel like cooking them. It was only when LT asked me to cook cold noodles again, I begun making them recently. I love how this Minions somen turned out, sometimes they don't turn out the way I visualise it, but this is one of those that turned out exactly like what I had in mind.

I've mentioned it before, I love how easy and fast it is to create noodles food art. I've not done any tutorial on how I made this, but you can take a look at two of my past noodles food art tutorial. I did a tutorial on how I did My Melody and sheep using noodles before.

Ingredients used for this were yellow somen noodles, nori, cheese and cucumber. Chopped spring onions are optional but they do complete the whole look and goes well with the cold noodles too.

Another Minon food art I made, this one was for myself. This is Minion Bob with his teddy bear.

Bob was made out of scrambled eggs, cheese, nori and ham. The ham was coloured blue by dipping in butterfly/blue pea water. The teddy bear was made out of toasted bread, I cut it out first before toasting it brown.

I ate this for lunch, not breakfast though, added in grilled mushrooms, asparagus and tomatoes at the side. :)

Back to making some noodles food art after a hiatus, because I have not been cooking soba or somen for sometime. I don't know exactly why too, I just did not feel like cooking them. It was only when LT asked me to cook cold noodles again, I begun making them recently. I love how this Minions somen turned out, sometimes they don't turn out the way I visualise it, but this is one of those that turned out exactly like what I had in mind.

I've mentioned it before, I love how easy and fast it is to create noodles food art. I've not done any tutorial on how I made this, but you can take a look at two of my past noodles food art tutorial. I did a tutorial on how I did My Melody and sheep using noodles before.

Ingredients used for this were yellow somen noodles, nori, cheese and cucumber. Chopped spring onions are optional but they do complete the whole look and goes well with the cold noodles too.

Another Minon food art I made, this one was for myself. This is Minion Bob with his teddy bear.

Bob was made out of scrambled eggs, cheese, nori and ham. The ham was coloured blue by dipping in butterfly/blue pea water. The teddy bear was made out of toasted bread, I cut it out first before toasting it brown.

I ate this for lunch, not breakfast though, added in grilled mushrooms, asparagus and tomatoes at the side. :)