Monday, 12 August 2013

Three Little Pigs Bento

A couple of weeks back, we watched The Three Little Pigs, produced by The Little Company. We have actually watched this play last year, and I've made some bentos then too. You can click HERE to see my bentos last year. We enjoyed the play last year, this year the play is in Chinese, and it's equally entertaining.

I made this three little pigs bento for lunch, the day after we watched the play. The reason why I delayed in sharing this was because I intended to make a toast art version and share them together. I only managed to make the toast art version today, both laziness and busyness played a part in the delay, lol.

Three little pigs were made from rice coloured with deco furi. Wolf is made from a meat patty and the house is made from omelette.

Three Little Pigs toast which I made today. The pigs are made from quail eggs, ham and nori. The wolf is made from grape and the house is made from strawberry.

Here's a closer look, I ate this for lunch today. :P

This was a lunch bento I packed for myself a couple weeks back. There's beef, okra, spinach, sprouts, cucumbers and tomato in the bento. :)

Where to get same or similar items as used in today's post:


  1. the 3 little pigs toast is so cute!!! hahahah

  2. gosh....piggies too cute >.<
    Your bentos pretty as always! Now I need to go & visit all of your older posts that I've missed out :p

  3. O....Another toast version! Love it!

  4. Love the onigiri version! So cute!


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