I saw a Rilakkuma pumpkin soft toy online a while back, and thought the idea was perfect for a Halloween themed bento. This marks the end of my Halloween series this year, it's been fun making them. :)

Korilakkuma pumpkin decor for the boys' lunch. It's actually rather fast making the decor because I used cutters. A bear cutter, pumpkin cutter and an oval cutter were used. I had wanted to do a tutorial but I was too busy today.

Lunch today is mutli grained rice, broccoli, chicken seaweed rolls and strawberries.

Rilakkuma pumpkin to decorate the snack boxes.

The boxes are packed with ham and cheese sandwiches and strawberries.
Where to get same or similar stuff seen in today's post:

Korilakkuma pumpkin decor for the boys' lunch. It's actually rather fast making the decor because I used cutters. A bear cutter, pumpkin cutter and an oval cutter were used. I had wanted to do a tutorial but I was too busy today.

Lunch today is mutli grained rice, broccoli, chicken seaweed rolls and strawberries.

Rilakkuma pumpkin to decorate the snack boxes.

The boxes are packed with ham and cheese sandwiches and strawberries.
Where to get same or similar stuff seen in today's post: