To enter this giveaway, simply post a comment below with your name and email by next Friday, 2 March, 2012. Please remember to leave your email and ensure that it is correct, as I will be contacting you via email should you win. Increase your chances of winning by sharing this giveaway via twitter, facebook or on your blog. Be sure to come back and post a link to your tweet/facebook/blog post as a new comment to earn that extra entry. :)
The winner will be picked randomly, and it will be announced on Saturday, 3 March, 2012. So, please check back this post for the winner then. :)

The items are a lunch box, 3 packets of picks, 1 packet of onigiri wrappers and 1 packet of plastic food cups (can be used as barans).
The number picked by the random number generator is 16. And comment number 16 belongs to Mewlkitten! Congrats, I'll email you shortly to get your address. :)
Tks a lot to all of you who participated. The next one will be for my 300th post, which will be towards the end of the year, I'll be back with more goodies then. :)
Wow!!! Congratulations on your celebration of 200th post. Nice giveaways you have there and I hope I can win this as I am eyeing on the picks that not in my collection YET and the lunchbox! Wish me good luck! :)
ReplyDeleteHello again !! What a coincidence, I discovered your blog just in time, hahah ! I would like to participate, my e-mail is I will share this on facebook ! :) This giveaway is great, everything that I don't have yet :) !!!!
ReplyDeleteHere you go, I shared your contest on facebook ! Here is the link to my profile, I hope you will be able to see~
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your 200th post! Weekday late afternoon is something which I always look forward to seeing ur bento creation. Certainly help to spice up my life!!! My email is Fm Emily
ReplyDeleteMing, I'm not sure if this is the exact method to post a link to my FB. Hopefully it works
Fm Emily......look forward to seeing ur 300th bento creation!!!
These are great prizes! ^^ Congrats on your 200th post!
ReplyDeleteName: Bou Shin
Email: aikovenus [at] gmail [dot] com (to avoid spam emails)
Hihi, I found my way to your blog via Emily's post on fb. I am inspired by the colourful and interesting bento you and Emily have made and motivate me to make for my loved ones. It's really a way to share our love with our family!
ReplyDeleteWould love to receive the lunchbox and accessories to start my bento-making journey!
Such a fantastic giveaway! Congratulations on your 200th post!
ReplyDeleteI've been following for quite a while now (follower name Silver Thistle) but because I don't have a bento blog I just lurk and admire what you do from afar :)
I read every post you make and always think every recipe you do sounds soo yummy. I wish I had your cooking skills. I tried to make your Totoro bento for my husband on Valentine's day and it was almost a success. I don't have access to any bento things here or the foodstuffs you use (I'm in Scotland) but I do my best with whatever I have that seems 'close' to what you use, and sometimes it works out :) Thanks for sharing the recipies and tutorials, even though I don't comment to let you know, I try out as many of your ideas on my family as I'm able to and they're always thrilled with the results.
Please enter my name into your giveaway. I'll keep my fingers crossed that I'm the lucky winner. I would love to give a home to those brilliant bento items :)
asilverthistle @ gmail .com
Happy 200th post Dear Ming! What can I say?!!, your blog is just fabulous! I have been a huge fan and look forward to every creative, delicious meal you print! You're a inspirational mother and seriously make me want to buy plane tickets to your house lunch times! (^.^)Looking forward to another 200 post from you! If you ship to Finland I'll be happy to enter your contest...I'll even attempt one of your past bentos and post it on my blog tomorrow...we'll all get a good laugh!
ReplyDeleteKeisha Ann (^.^)
Congratulations on your 200th blogpost! I've been following you for quite a while but it doesn't seem that long ago at all. :) I'd love to enter in the giveaway and perk up my bentoing skills! roritchan @ gmail . com is my email.
ReplyDeleteYay for 200 posts!!
ReplyDeleteName: Cat
Happy 200th Bento! They are all so cute - I look forward every day to a new bento popping up on my reader. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
I love your blog! You have really good ideals. Wow, 200 posts.
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Danielle Ortiz
<3 I love all of your stuff. I really enjoy just getting to see all of your photos and using them as inspiration for my own little lunches. ^_^
wolfielyall @
Love the blog! I check it often!
Oh Oh Oh!!! I really want to win this giveaway!!! I love pigs and that Bento box is the cutes bento ever! And I have been really wanting more picks! I am so excited. I really hope I win.
ReplyDeleteMy Email address is
and my name is Kathleen Lambert
I wrote a blog about your giveaway. I really hope I win this amazing giveaway. Here is a link to my blog post
ReplyDeleteAnd my email is
Thank you soooo much
I posted about this giveaway on my facebook. I really hope I win this. It is the best giveaway I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteMy Facebook is and my email is I really hope I win this giveaway. I am super excited and I really really hope I get to use that amazing piggy bento box and all those awesome accessories. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
My wife recommended me to your blog and she is into bentoing lately. Nice giveaway you have. My email is
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lo. Thanks!
I just discovered the world of bentos because my daughter is starting preschool soon. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! There are so many creative people out there!
Congratulations on #200! Your bentos are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteCristi - merrycrismess (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweeted your giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteCristi - merrycrismess (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi, congrats on your bento! I really like your blog because your bentos are very neatly made, your photos look professional and you update the blog regularly :)
Bonnita - bonnita.kristanti (at) gmail (dot) com
Congrats on post #200. This giveaway looks absolutely fantastic. Thank-you so much for sharing! Jill - jillianr (at) shaw (dot) com
ReplyDeleteWhat great stuff for a giveaway!! Congrats on 200! Can't wait to read the next 200!
perfect timing !
ReplyDeletejust what i need!!!
i am new in the bento and your site help me a lot!
I also wanted to let you know that I retweeted it on twitter!!/Espychan :]
ReplyDeletelove your meals and pics, great style! totally shocked that it's number 200 already!
ReplyDeleteshared on facebook:
Congrats on your 200th post! Love your blog! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity.
I tweeted about your giveaway here:
I shared your giveaway on Facebook:
I'm back Miss Ming!! Please check out my tribute bento to "yours truely" at my place!! ^.^
everything is so cuute!thanks for the giveaway!
YEA! adorable giveaway! your blog is our favorite. from two little monsters from Washington DC.
Way to go on 200 Ming! This giveaway is SUPER!
I shared your givaway at Your bentos are GREAT!!!
ReplyDeleteHi! I have just discovered you via Bobbi's Bentos on FB! LOVE what you do! Thanks for the giveaway I hope my little aussie monsters win! ;)
shared on FB too!
too cute~
Pick me! Pick me!
Shared on my FB page
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 200! I love your blog!
Hi Ming, This is Yenn from Bento Makes Me Happy. I wrote on your giveaway on my blog to share with all readers. here is the link.
ReplyDeleteHope this earn another entry for this giveaway. Thank you for hosting this giveaway and my email is
Congratulations on your 200th blog post, Ming! Your bentos are so sweet and have so much whimsy! Cheers to you for such a creative spirit! I love getting to see your daily creations; and thanks for such a great giveaway, btw :-)
ReplyDeleteHappysunshine42 (at) gmail (dot) com
I just discovered your blog and LOVE it!! I used to make bentos a few years ago for my daughter but we stopped. My, has the bento world changed since many wonderful inspiring Moms like you:) I was disappointed that my favorite and inexpensive bento store closed down so restocking all my supplies will cost a small fortune plus I have a little man to make for now as well. My daughter would love to win these great prizes. I shared you on my fb, and I'm just starting up my blog so I will post about it there too. My email is
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on 200 posts cannot wait to read them all.
Love your bentos! emily AT Bentobloggy DOT com
ReplyDeleteoh dear... just in time discover your blog.
Your bento are just so nice and I love them all. Really inspired me to prepare bento. :)
Hope to win it.. it will help me to start to do bento.
My email is
Just stumbled onto your blog as I am looking for bento equipment and ideas. And congrats on post number 200!
ReplyDeleteMy email is ah_lin (at) yahoo (dot) com
Sorry forgot to add, that my email is susan at ajugglingmom dot com
ReplyDeleteMy twitter link is!/Susankoh :)
DeleteCongrats on your 200th post. More power to your blog. Hope I can win this nice give away. :)
ReplyDelete-- kaye
Kayesl AT gmail DOTT com
Your bentos are so inspiring. Congrats on your 200th post. You always come up with so cute ideas that I never would come up by myself. jindanasan(at)yahoo(dot)de
DeleteI have wanted to try this for such a long time!! :D Thank you for your creative inspiration. My email is : Happy Bentos ♥
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your blog!! Your work is fun and inspiring!!! I would love to enter your giveaway!
Just found this blog, think it will become a new favorite.
So cute!!!
ReplyDeletewooow! I am really proud of your job as a blogger, you achieved your goal and got 200 comments!!! Good job! Hope you will continue share your ideas as well as this kind of cute giveaway! I recently started to learn about bento box and all of those yummy things which I can put inside it. This opportunity would be a good chance for practicing my cooking. Thanks for this giveaway! Hope you will choose me! Bye!
ReplyDeleteohhh^_^ almost forgot my name is Nurdana and my email is
I also read your blog faithfully - do I stand a chance? Ha ha ha... *wink*
ReplyDeleteHui Kheng,
I love your blog!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I just recently discovered the world of bento and have fallen in love. Congrats on your 200th post. Thank you for letting me participate in the giveaway... :)
ReplyDeleteHeather Grant
Loving the blog, keep up the good work!
Wow! New to Bento! Lovin' the ideas! My daughter would love love the kit supplies!
I am reading backwards looking for the green alien bento picture in FB page EZ Bento with no result for the past 1 hour so finally did a google then realise you have a blog. Before I can go drill into your blog, I saw this giveaway *grin*
ReplyDeleteWill this be the last entry? :)
Name : sherlyn , email :