Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Horlicks Doggie Cookies

These adorable little doggies were done yesterday. It's another baking project for the boys. I just measured out the ingredients and gave them instructions on what to do. I did help them to shape out the dough into balls, they were not too good with...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Mario and Luigi Bento

My boy had asked for Mario and Luigi quite sometime ago. But I've been putting it off because it will take me longer than usual to do. I am very glad I finally did them today, they were very happy to see Mario and Luigi in their bentos. :) This was done...

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

It was my birthday last Thursday. :) LT wanted to bake a cake for me, but as Daddy was on leave to take us out to celebrate, we did not get to bake any cake. But he kept bugging me about it, so the following day, I allowed him to bake a cake for me....

Friday, 25 November 2011

Ship Ahoy Bento

It was a last minute decision to dress up their dinner today. I do not like to take photos of our dinner, as I am absolutely clueless about how to take photos under indoor lighting. Most of the time, I dislike how the photos turn out. So, I was rushing...

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Pineapple Tarts

We've been lunching out everyday this week, I did not get to make any bento at all. So this is not a bento related post. :P I decided to do some baking with the boys yesterday as we were back early. They did almost all the work, from sieving the flour...

Monday, 21 November 2011

What to do with leftover Bento food cut outs?

There might be some of you who are wondering what to do with those leftover cut-outs from bento-making. So here, I try to share with you what I do with them. The ideas might or might not work for your household, but I hope even if it is not practical...

Friday, 18 November 2011

Gingerbread Man Christmas Bento

It's the last day of School for LT today, and his Kindy is having a Christmas party to celebrate. I decided to make his classmates a simple bento box for the potluck. I also chose to do something easy for their lunch box today, as I was afraid I would...

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Santa Claus Christmas Bento

It's another Santa Claus bento today, this time Santa is made out of cheese wedge. IT has no School today, so we went down to Daiso while LT was at School. We bought quite a few items, but zero bento stuff. There was nothing new at the bento section,...

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Santa Claus Chirstmas Bento

My hubby had dinner with his clients yesterday, so I took the opportunity to cook a big pot of red wine beef stew. My hubby does not fancy beef, but I love beef, so I always try to cook it when he's not home for dinner. :) Love such fuss free one pot...

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Winter Boy Bento

We are staying in a place where it's summer all year round, it does feels like autumn when the monsoon season is here, the weather is very cooling due to the heavy thunderstorms. :P It's IT's dream to visit some place with snow, and hopefully Daddy will...

Monday, 14 November 2011

Snowman Christmas Bento

Yay, I did my first Christmas bento. Yes, I know I am very early. :) That is because it's the last week of School for my boys, I probably will not be making bentos on a regular basis during the School holidays, so I want to do a few Christmas theme bentos...

Friday, 11 November 2011

Mario Goomba Bento

The boys have been asking me to make them a Mario and Luigi bento. But those two are too challenging, I'm keeping that for the holiday, when I have more time to slowly work on their bentos. I told them to find me something easier from Mario, they showed...